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Investments & Wealth Management

Rebecca D. Turner Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Financial Planning, Investments & Wealth Management
Wealth Strategy Advisors

I get to help people achieve their life dreams and goals. There is nothing more satisfying than that! I simply love what I do for a living. I knew e (show more)

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Interests: financial, financial planner, wealth manager, wealth management, assets, financial service products, financial planning, retirement planning, be a financial planner, become a financial planner, dallas, fort worth, texas, financial planning jobs, financial planning career, career in financial planning, and job in financial planning

Shigeki Makino Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Investments & Wealth Management
Putnam Investments (Retired)

Being an investment portfolio manager and equity analyst is a great career. Investing is one of the most attractive jobs on the planet. It is intellect (show more)

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Interests: investment manager, investment portfolio manager, be an investment manager, become an investment manager, be a portfolio manager, become a portfolio manager, finance, investments, wall street, new york, hong kong, tokyo, london, investment advisor, investment mentor, investment expert, expert investment portfolio manager, equity, fund manager, Putnam Investments, Fidelity Investments, financial analysis, financial analyst, become a financial analyst, and be a financial analyst